Noordkaap Bulletin

Northern Cape deli from Douglas crowned as South African champion

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Proudly displaying their first-prize certificate are, from the left, Bianca Julies, Stefan Baartman, Ronelda Maruping, Floyd Gallant, Irene Keet, Nelma van Staden and Cyril van den Heever.
Proudly displaying their first-prize certificate are, from the left, Bianca Julies, Stefan Baartman, Ronelda Maruping, Floyd Gallant, Irene Keet, Nelma van Staden and Cyril van den Heever.
Photos: Supplied

A small artisanal deli in Douglas was recently announced as South African champion for its drinking yoghurt at the South African Dairy Championships.

Signature Deli entered the competition for the first time since it started operations on 15 August 2022, and competed in three categories.

It was announced as the South Africa champion for its double-cream, choc chip flavoured drinking yoghurt in the Y16 full cream drinking yogurt with condiments category. This product is made from cow’s milk.

The prize-giving ceremony took place on 25 April in the Western Cape, after entries and judging were done earlier the year.

In the C48 feta with condiments category, Signature Deli was placed third for its Signature Deli Mixed, made from goat’s milk.

The deli received another third place in the Y24 yogurt with condiments, fruit, or flavoured category for its vanilla yoghurt, made of goat’s milk.

At the deli, cheesemakers Cyril van den Heever from Douglas, and Nelma van Staden, originally from Bonnievale in the Western Cape, specialise in cow and goat milk products.

Cyril van den Heever and his wife, Jean-Marie, at the South African Dairy Championships.

The deli is a farming enterprise and cheesery, which originated as a value-added product for two farms under irrigation. This enterprise expanded above expectation and products of the deli are distributed to select Spar outlets and other retail shops in the Northern Cape, Free State, Pretoria, and the North West.

Van den Heever believes the secret of the deli’s success is in the quality of the milk.

For cow’s milk products, for example, only full-cream milk from Jersey cows is used. Both the cow’s and goat’s milk are free of hormones and growth stimulants. Also, the deli adheres to natural, organic, and non-invasive practices.

The South African champion in drinking yoghurt, as produced by the Signature Deli from Douglas.

This 191st South African Dairy Championships unfolded at the Eensgezind Venue near Durbanville, continuing a tradition hosted by Agri-Expo since 1834.

Breyton Milford, Agri-Expo’s general manager, said this year’s championship boasted a record-breaking 1 029 entries from 78 dairy manufacturers of various scales. This edition welcomed 12 new manufacturers.

Milford emphasised the unique role of the championships, saying the recognition benefits consumers and manufacturers.

The overarching goal of the championships is to award excellence within the dairy sector, setting a standard against which manufacturers measure their achievements.

Graham Sutherland, chief judge, said with a panel of 86 judges, meticulous scrutiny is applied to factors like flavour, appearance and texture.

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